(Peru's high and low elevations) |
Peru has an exotic mixture of climates. In the Andean Mountains there is a high amount of moistures and pressure changes (mT). On the coastal side there is a dryer climate (cT).
(el nino ENSO) |
(Humboldt currents) |
Peru has pressure changes in winds due to the Humboldt currents. The Humboldt is a cold ocean current that flows north along the Pacific Coast of South America before turning west. Its drift is what causes the Peruvian coast to have a desert. More dangerously Peru has a visitor every 7 years around Christmas time. El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a see-saw pattern of reversing surface air pressure between the eastern and western tropical Pacific. ENSO is a global phenomenon that affects global climate like sea surface temperatures which tend to change the regions climate.
(maritime Tropic mT on the equatorial) |
In the Andean Mountains there is an unstable cooling. Adiabatic process occurs when temperature changes due to pressure change, causing Peru to have a warm & wet climate. These changes classify Peru as a maritime Tropic (mT). Air mass is classified by the horizontally uniform levels of temperature, humidity, and pressure.
(morning advection fog in Cusco Peru) |
(Peru shortly after a sandstorm aka: haboob) |
If one ever visits the tropic side of Peru one will run into advection fog caused by cold currents. If one ever visits the coastal side of Peru one might get stuck in a sandstorm called haboobs.
Wind currents can alter geography climates that can potentially create chaos. Unfortunately for Peruvians when ENSO comes around it can cause deaths, floods, and droughts. Sandstorms as minor as they may look they can cause significant damage too. It all affects the Peruvian population in one way or another; whether it’s a death or a dry season with no crops.
(some cumulus & strato-cumulus hubbering over Machu Picchu) |